Use this hand riveter to install solid aluminum rivets. Squeeze rivets, or dimple thin sheets of aluminum to accept countersunk rivets.
Designed to install common sizes of aluminum rivets on edges and other spots where one worker can do the job.
You won't be disappointed with the quality of the Texas Squeeze line. Our customers agree this is the best hand rivet squeezer on the market, and at a great price. We stand behind it.
Drop-forged of the best stainless steel, this hand-operated riveter is a tool with a Texas size reputation. It has long handles that provide plenty of leverage and an easily adjustable ram that allows close tolerance squeezing. It accepts standard 3/16" shank squeeze sets and dimple dies.
Not all hand riveters have stainless steel construction, but we favor it because of the many years of service you will get out of the tool, and for a great price. Compare the quality and valve of the Texas brand hand riveters to any other stainless steel rivet squeeze on the market.
The Texas hand rivet squeezer will accept yokes and squeeze sets made by most other stainless steel squeeze manufacturers, including Tatco.
This is a professional tool used by aircraft mechanics all over the world, but for light to medium duty projects, you can use the Universal Economy Squeeze with 3” Yoke.
Also comes within a 24-piece Squeeze and Dimple kit.