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Item # 74205

Bucking Bar Tungsten 2.00 lbs.


Bucking Bar Tungsten 2.00 lbs.


PN: 74205
Tungsten Bucking Bar 2.0 lbs.

Try one of our "Vibration-Free" Tungsten Bucking Bars!

According to a recent University study, bucking bars made with tungsten are much safer for the operator by reducing vibration. The density of tungsten is the future of bucking bars available at The Yard today! Made in USA.

At The Yard Store all of our Tungsten Bucking Bars are made from 90+% tungsten. All edges are deburred and working surfaces are polished for trouble-free use.

Your hands will thank you.

Note: Tungsten bucking bars have a manufacturer's warranty of 6 months.

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